Empowering Your Innovations Through Expert Guidance

AB Corporation is your partner in transforming groundbreaking ideas into impactful realities.

Specialising in EU proposal writing and project management, we navigate the intricacies of funding schemes to bring your projects to life.

Proposal Writing

Whether you are applying to a call for the first time, re-applying, or even if you are in stage 2 of a two-stage proposal, we guide you to a successful submission with our EU proposal expertise and track record.


Our trainings will ideally equip you to invest in the project with the highest chances of funding, will enable you to decide on your grant strategy based on relevant factors, strengthening your strategy and saving you time.


We have extensive experience as Work Package leaders or Task leaders. Our success in proposal writing complements our role as project partners, ensuring your project from conception to completion.

Your Vision, Our Mission

From the inception of your idea to the fruition of a fully funded project, we’re with you every step of the way. We understand the challenges of securing funding and managing complex projects. That’s why we offer tailored support to align with your unique needs and objectives.

Idea conception

Let's shape your vision into a compelling proposal narrative that will amplify your project.

Proposal Writing

Benefit from our seasoned skills in crafting proposals that stand out and succeed.

Funding Scheme Selection

With our expertise, identify the funding opportunities that best match your project goals.

Project Management

From kickoff to completion, ensure your project is on track, on time, and on budget.

Let's Innovate Together

Your journey towards innovation starts here. Contact us today to discover how we can turn your ideas into impactful solutions. At AB Corporation, your success is our success.

Let’s make a difference, together.

Expertise Across the Board

Our team possess a deep understanding of the European Union's funding landscape. This comprehensive expertise ensures that your project is viable and perfectly aligned with the most lucrative and relevant funding opportunities.

Customised Strategic Support

We offer bespoke support tailored to your specific needs. From selecting the right funding scheme to crafting a winning proposal and managing your project, our approach is always personalised to maximise your project's success.

Success-Driven Services

Our services are designed to inform and to transform. By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we equip you and your team with the skills needed to navigate the European funding and project management landscape confidently.

A Partnership Model

We believe in building lasting relationships. We're more than a service provider; we're your partner in Work Packages, like Communication & Dissemination, Business models, Quality Assurance, and Cascade Funding.

We Believe In

Beyond Guidance: Empowerment Through Training

Knowledge is power, and at AB Corporation, we believe in empowering our clients. Dive into our targeted training programs designed to equip you and your team with the tools and knowledge for enduring success. Learn from our experts, leverage our experience, and join a community committed to excellence.

Cultivating a Culture of Excellence

At AB Corporation, we understand that navigating the journey from idea to impact requires more than just expertise—it demands a visionary approach and a commitment to excellence.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between ambitious research and tangible results, turning pioneering ideas into global solutions.

Commitment to Quality and Integrity

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity. Our rigorous approach ensures that every project we undertake is executed with precision and ethical consideration.

A Forward-Thinking Approach

Our forward-thinking mindset empowers us to explore new horizons, embrace emerging technologies, and pioneer innovative solutions that pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Empowerment Through Engagement

Your success is our success. We believe in empowering our clients through active engagement, providing the tools, knowledge, and support needed to navigate the complexities of European funding, project management, and beyond.

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