News & Resources

One of the most crucial elements of Horizon Europe’s evaluation criteria is impact. As a result, careful consideration and attention should be given to the impact presentation. We outline how to approach the Horizon Europe joint project’s “Impact” section in this post, which is the first in a series on this crucial subject. We will also provide….

Your first periodic report (RP1 report) for the European Commission (EC) may be due soon now that your Horizon Europe project is operational. These reports are required by law to be sent to the EC. They make it possible for the EC Project Advisors and Financial Officers assigned to your project to: (1) confirm your work progress in relation to the project description found in Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement (GA), also known as the “Description of the Action”; and (2) determine whether the costs that the project partners have….

Reports are composed of two parts: Part B is the Technical Report that details the work completed during the reporting period and needs to be posted into the EU Funding & Tenders site as a PDF file. Part A is the project-specific online forms in the site….

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